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Harrison Square is 'greening'

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In the excitement over the recently completed Walton Harbor and launch of Midtown Villages, it's easy to overlook a lot of great things happening elsewhere on Gainesville Housing campuses.

Take Harrison Square, our 75-unit apartment complex, for example.

Besides Harrison Square being staffed again and programs happening on a regular basis, it's striking how much space for resident programming there is now, and how gorgeous and inviting that space is. That's because the community center/office has been added onto and renovated in recent months.

Classes and programs are underway. There are lunch and fun activities on the first and third Thursdays, at noon. There are fun health classes (taught in Spanish for several weeks, then alternating to English) where things such as blood pressure monitering and healthy kitchen choices are explored. All resident programs are free and some even provide childcare.

There are plans for more classes in the works.

Harrison Square is 'greening' by adding more resident offerings and a better place to meet, but also the garden outside the community center/office is literally brimming with fall/winter vegetables such as brussel sprouts, collards and lush greens. This comes after a bountiful summer harvest that provided fresh vegetables fo quite a few resident kitchens. 

So, get inolved! To see what's happening when at Harrison Square, plean check the calendar of our homepage.